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Introducing EvoluteSix

By 1 September 2021September 29th, 2021No Comments

7 Billion Presidents decided to start this series of posts, Introducing New Partners, to give a personal and detailed presentation of all the companies that chose to partner with 7BP in the past months to help Building the New💚 You can check the Partnerships section on our website to discover the complete list, and remember to follow the next posts to know more about them and how they relate to 7BP’s vision!

Since 2013, EvoluteSix is dedicated to creating regenerative business ecosystems, to build the startups of the future. Their core is mining and refining tension and conflict, extracting the gold it contains to drive the change and build a regenerative society, following the startup factory scheme:

Using this innovative system, EvoluteSix tries to build an ecosystem of regenerative startups, business teams and cognitively aware individuals, with particular attention to our planet’s health. They also offer virtual seminars, interactive,workshops, business coaching and consulting and various network events, to teach, help and inspire people to take action.

7 Billion Presidents and EvoluteSix share the same vision of the world: working together, we try to build an inclusive and regenerative economy, in which money stays within the society. In this way, by 2037, Earth will have a stable climate, providing well-being for all through sustainable and renewable energies.